Total 258 results found.
TECSAM | Breakfast & Learn: Development of reliable and secure health apps
Speaker: Carme Pratdepàdua, Responsable de l'àrea M-Health de la Fundació TICSalut i Social.
#NeuroConCiencia| Data Science in BRAIN
Speakers: Júlia Romagosa.
Hospital Connection “Necessitats clíniques no resoltes: la visió de l’Hospital Sant Joan de Déu”
The aim of this conference is to share different needs identified in one of Catalonia's leading public hospitals in various therapeutic areas.
#ViernesCientíficos | Asociación del género y la edad en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del infarto agudo de miocardio
Seminario a cargo de Gemma Berga Congost. Enfermera.
#NeuroConCiencia| Biophysical modelling of non-invasive neuroscience
Speakers: Marc Schwartz Pallejà, PhD Student
Defensa tesi doctoral: Yiyi Luo
"Immune system profile of newborns born to mothers treated with TNF inhibitors through pregnancy."
i4KIDS | Women innovators & Female leadership in pediatrics
We know that gender bias and discrimination have profound and far-reaching effects on the healthcare workforce, from the delivery of patient care to the advancement of science.
Defensa tesi doctoral: Rosalia Pascal Capdevila
"Impact of Stress on Pregnancy Mental Health."
i4KIDS | Training Capsule: From research to innovation in paediatrics
Discover the experience of our speakers and how they combine research with entrepreneurship in paediatrics, with Alfonso de Oyarzábal, PhD, and Bàrbara Baro, PhD.