

César Galo Garcia Fontecha

Head of the Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology Group

“Learning about what others are doing allows us to improve and develop new ideas in order to advance in the world of research.”

In 2022, the research team led by Dr. César Galo Garcia Fontecha joined the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute as the “Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology” Group. We take a look at his scientific career up to the time he joined SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital and the objectives of his new group.


TECSAM | Recerca co-creativa en salut mental i dona: El projecte co-Elna

Laia Nebot: Tècnica de recerca i projectes sociocomunitaris a Salut Mental Catalunya (SMC), Victoria Espinosa: Psicóloga General Sanitaria del Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu i Alicia Mendo: Membre del Comitè d'Ètica en Salut Mental de Sant Joan de Déu.



i4KIDS | Presentation of the ADD4KIDS European Action Plan

The ADD4KIDS consortium is pleased to invite policymakers, healthcare professionals, researchers, and innovators to the final presentation of its European Action Plan.



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