

Total 251 results found.

  1. Jornada de salut mental i joves migrants

    Aquesta jornada pretén ser una oportunitat per conscienciar sobre la salut mental de joves migrants, compartir coneixements, establir sinergies i col·laborar en la recerca de solucions efectives per millorar el benestar psicològic dels joves migrants a les nostres comunitats.

    Auditori Sant Joan de Déu Numància


  2. #NeuroConCiencia| Early development and plasticity of sensory circuits in animal models

    Speakers: Guillermina López Bendito, Research Professor at CSIC, Institute of Neurosciences CSIC-UMH.



  3. Defensa tesi doctoral: Anna Monistrol Mula

    "Understanding the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with pre-existing mental disorders: Mental health burden and biological insights"

    Aula Magna de la Facultat de Medicina · Hospital Clínic (UB) and online


  4. TECSAM | UNICEF Lab presenta su convocatoria enfocada en salud mental para la infancia, adolescencia y familias + caso de éxito

    UNICEF Lab Innovación + Aimentia.



  5. #ViernesCientíficos | Unidad de Atención Integral Paliativa Pediátrica en el Hospital Universitario Infantil Niño Jesús

    Seminario a cargo de Blanca Montero Sánchez y Nieves López Anta. Enfermeras especialistas en enfermería pediátrica del Hospital Universitario Infantil Niño Jesús.



  6. i4KIDS | Pediatric Innovation Day 2024

    A gathering of people passionate about pediatric healthcare. Meet experts, clinicians, startup founders and innovators from all over Europe. We're here to exchange ideas and drive forward pediatric innovations.

    Riga (Latvia) & online


  7. TECSAM | Breakfast & Learn: Com podem treure el màxim partit a les eines del programa PASS?

    A càrrec d'Àuria Albacete, Senior Project Leader d'Innovació a Biocat, Rosa Maria Vivanco, Directora Àrea d'Avaluació, AQuAS i Cristina Mallol, Mànager d'Innovació al Servei de Català de la Salut.



  8. i4KIDS | Medical Devices Regulation (MDR): hands-on for paediatrics start-ups

    Francisco Rodríguez Gómez, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs Associate Manager at Asphalion.



  9. i4KIDS | Virtual Reality in pediatrics: How making healthcare child-friendly and effective?

    New technologies are booming and starting to benefit patients - pediatric patient can be perfect user being digital natives. Digital technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) can innovate how young patients are managed and supported in the clinical context, with benefits ranging from drug-free pain management to rehabilitation and health education.

