Total 256 results found.
Defensa tesi doctoral: Luciana Díaz Cutraro
“The bias of jumping to conclusions and metacognition in people with psychosis"
#ViernesCientíficos | Rol de la enfermera en la educación para la salud a través de la Escuela de Salud SJD
Seminario a cargo de Marc Fortes Bordas. Enfermero experto en capacitación para la salud en entornos digitales. Director de la Escuela de Salud · Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.
Defensa tesi doctoral: Carlota de Miquel Bleier
“Effectiveness of e-mental health interventions for the prevention of mental health problems in the workplace".
i4KIDS | Global Best Practices in Pediatric Patient Experience: Key Considerations for Enhancing Care for Children and Parents
This Training Capsule will introduce global best practices centered on child-focused care in hospitals.
Defensa tesi doctoral: Daniel Toro Pérez
“Assessment of suffering in children and adolescents with palliative care needs".
Jornada de salut mental i joves migrants
Aquesta jornada pretén ser una oportunitat per conscienciar sobre la salut mental de joves migrants, compartir coneixements, establir sinergies i col·laborar en la recerca de solucions efectives per millorar el benestar psicològic dels joves migrants a les nostres comunitats.
#NeuroConCiencia| Early development and plasticity of sensory circuits in animal models
Speakers: Guillermina López Bendito, Research Professor at CSIC, Institute of Neurosciences CSIC-UMH.
Defensa tesi doctoral: Anna Monistrol Mula
"Understanding the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with pre-existing mental disorders: Mental health burden and biological insights"
TECSAM | UNICEF Lab presenta su convocatoria enfocada en salud mental para la infancia, adolescencia y familias + caso de éxito
UNICEF Lab Innovación + Aimentia.