Total 254 results found.
Webinar IRISCAT · "Adipose tissue as immunological organ on inflammatory diseases"
Speaker: Dra. Carolina Serena.
#NeuroConCiencia · Exploring cognitive development in the first 2 years of life
Speaker: Núria Sebastián Galles, PhD.
#SeminarIRSJD · The spectrum of COVID-19 in pregnancy
Speaker: Rosalia Pascal, MD (IRSJD) & Francesca Crovetto, MD, PhD (IDIBAPS).
#NeuroConCiencia · Transposons: amics o enemics del nostre genoma?
Speaker: Gemma Marfany, PhD
#SeminarIRSJD · Role of Wnt pathway genes in complex and monogenic phenotypes of low and high bone mass
Speaker: Núria Martínez Gil, PhD
#NeuroConCiencia · MAGEL2 en síndromes del neurodesarrollo
Speaker: Roser Urreizti Frexedas, PhD
#SeminarIRSJD · CERKL, a retinal dystrophy gene, regulates mitochondrial function and dynamics in the mammalian retina
Speaker: Serena Mirra, PhD
Webinar IRISCAT · "Assaigs Clínics amb CarT Cells per càncers hematològics"
Speaker: Dr. Javier Briones.
#NeuroConCiencia · Tratamientos personalizados fármaco-metabólicos en neuropediatría - Proyecto BRAIN
Speaker: Àngels García-Cazorla, MD, Phd and Alfonso Oyarzábal, PhD.