

Actividades destacadas

i4KIDS | Pediatric Innovation Day 2024

This isn't just any conference-it's a gathering of people passionate about pediatric healthcare. Expect to meet experts, clinicians, startup founders, and innovators from all over Europe. We're here to exchange ideas, spark new research, and drive forward pediatric innovations.

Riga (Latvia) & online


Encontrados un total de 644 resultado.

  1. Defensa tesi doctoral: Sonia Arenillas-Alcón

    "Neural encoding of speech in newborns: voice pitch, formant structure and the effects of prenatal acoustic environment"

    Sala Miquel Siguan de la Facultat de Psicologia de la Universitat de Barcelona (Campus Mundet)


  2. Share4Rare | Webinar · Evaluación de la atención psicológica para pacientes con enfermedades raras en España

    Seminario virtual abierto a todas las personas que quieran conocer todos los detalles del estudio de Share4Rare y FEDER o resolver tus dudas.



  3. Defensa tesi doctoral: Clara Xiol Viñas

    "Comprehensive analysis of diagnostic approaches and molecular landscape of Rett syndrome spectrum disorders"

    Aula de Graus, Edifici Durfort, Facultat de Biologia (UB) · Online


  4. i4KIDS | Training Capsule: How to bring a medical device to market?

    Learn about the journey that a medical device must follow from the ideation phase to its commercialisation with this i4KIDS Training Capsule, with Lluís Cassou · i4KIDs & SJD Innovation Project Manager.



  5. Defensa tesi doctoral: Elena Esperanza Cebollada

    "Estudi de nous biomarcadors en pacients amb leucèmia pediàtrica d'alt risc"

    Auditori Plaza, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu · Online


  6. TECSAM | Breakfast & Learn: 10 tips para mejorar la participación de las personas afectadas en la investigación

    A càrrec de Begonya Nafria, coordinadora de Participación de los Pacientes en la Investigación del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu · IRSJD



  7. #NeuroConCiencia| Role of neural extracellular vesicles in transneuronal communication in health and disease

    Seminario a cargo de las Dras. Júlia Solana y Cristina Malagelada, Universitat de Barcelona.



  8. #ViernesCientíficos | Cuidar más allá de lo visible: espiritualidad y salud mental

    Seminario a cargo de Paola Suárez-Reina. Enfermera especialista en Salud Mental. 



  9. i4Kids | Training Capsule: Implementation and adoption of innovation in children's hospital

    In this capsule, we will take a comprehensive look at the process of implementing innovation and integrate innovation into a children's hospital, drawing from the best practices of three major pediatrics hospitals across Europe.

