Publicaciones de los grupos de investigación: Noviembre - Diciembre 2015
Enfermedades en la edad adulta de origen fetal o en los primeros años de vida
- Carreras-Badosa G, Bonmatí A, Ortega FJ, et al. Altered Circulating miRNA Expression Profile in Pregestational and Gestational Obesity.. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015. . FI: 6,209(Q1)
- Díaz M, Bassols J, López-Bermejo A, et al. Metformin treatment to reduce central adiposity after prenatal growth restraint: a placebo-controlled pilot study in prepubertal children.. Pediatr Diabetes 2015. 16: 538-545. FI: 2,569(Q2)
- García-Aparicio L, Blázquez-Gómez E, de Haro I, et al. Postoperative vesicoureteral reflux after high-pressure balloon dilation of the ureterovesical junction in primary obstructive megaureter. Incidence, management and predisposing factors.World J Urol 2015. 33: 2103-2106. FI: 2,666(Q2)
- Nawapun K, Eastwood MP, Diaz-Cobos D, et al. In vivo evidence by magnetic resonance volumetry of a gestational age dependent response to tracheal occlusion for congenital diaphragmatic hernia.. Prenat Diagn 2015. 35: 1048-1056. FI: 3,268(Q1)
- Sanchez-Delgado M, Martin-Trujillo A, Tayama C, et al. Absence of Maternal Methylation in Biparental Hydatidiform Moles from Women with NLRP7 Maternal-Effect Mutations Reveals Widespread Placenta-Specific Imprinting. Plos Genet 2015. . FI: 7,528(Q1)
- Simões RV, Sanz-Cortes M, Muñoz-Moreno E, et al. Feasibility and technical features of fetal brain magnetic resonance spectroscopy in 1.5 T scanners.. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015. 213: 741-742. FI: 4,704(Q1)
- Stergiotou I, Bijnens B, Cruz-Lemini M, et al. Maternal subclinical vascular changes in fetal growth restriction with and without pre-eclampsia.. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2015. 46: 706-712. FI: 3,853(Q1)
- Torres Montebruno X, Martinez JM, Eixarch E, et al. Fetoscopic laser surgery to decompress distal urethral obstruction caused by prolapsed ureterocele.. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2015. 46: 623-626. FI: 3,853(Q1)
Grupo de investigación clínica y epidemiológica en enfermedades de alta prevalencia
- Lores-Obradors L, de Burgoa VS, Chaves-Puertas J. Assessment of inspiratory flow in bronchial asthma by using a portable meter.. Allergy Asthma Proc 2015. 36: 487-492. FI: 3,061(Q2)
Enfermedades infecciosas y respuesta inflamatoria sistémica en pediatría
- Anton J, Calvo I, Fernández-Martin J, et al. Efficacy and safety of canakinumab in cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes: results from a Spanish cohort.. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2015. . FI: 2,724(Q2)
- Cabrerizo M, Trallero G, Pena MJ, et al. Comparison of epidemiology and clinical characteristics of infections by human parechovirus vs. those by enterovirus during the first month of life.. Eur J Pediatr 2015. 174: 1511-1516. FI: 1,890(Q2)
- Hernández-Martín A, Dávila-Seijo P, de Lucas R, et al. Prioritization of therapy uncertainties in congenital ichthyosis: results from a Priority Setting Partnership. Br J Dermatol 2015. 173: 1280-1283. FI: 4,275(Q1)
- Mir-Bonafé JM, Vicente-Villa A, Suñol M, et al. Cutaneous Mucinosis of Infancy: A Rare Congenital Case with Coexisting Progressive, Eruptive, and Spontaneously Involuting Lesions.. Pediatr Dermatol 2015. . FI: 1,015(Q3)
- Moreno-Pérez D, Andrés Martín A, Tagarro García A, et al. Neumonía adquirida en la comunidad: tratamiento ambulatorio y prevención.. An Pediatr (Barc) 2015. . FI: 0,833(Q4)
- Ombrello MJ, Remmers EF, Tachmazidou I, et al. HLA-DRB1*11 and variants of the MHC class II locus are strong risk factors for systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015. 112: 15970-15975. FI: 9,674(Q1)
- Rodà D, Pérez-Martínez E, Cabrerizo M, et al. Clinical characteristics and molecular epidemiology of Enterovirus infection in infants <3 months in a referral paediatric hospital of Barcelona.. Eur J Pediatr 2015. 174: 1549-1553. FI: 1,890(Q2)
Enfermedades neurológicas minoritarias de base genética en el ámbito pediátrico
- Couce ML, Ramos F, Bueno MA, et al. The phenotypic spectrum of organic acidurias and urea cycle disorders. Part 1: the initial presentation.. J Inherit Metab Dis 2015. 38: 1041-1057. FI: 3,365(Q2)
- Kölker S, Cazorla AG, Valayannopoulos V, et al. Erratum to: The phenotypic spectrum of organic acidurias and urea cycle disorders. Part 1: the initial presentation.. J Inherit Metab Dis 2015. 38: 1155-1156. FI: 3,365(Q2)
- Kölker S, Valayannopoulos V, Burlina AB, et al. The phenotypic spectrum of organic acidurias and urea cycle disorders. Part 2: the evolving clinical phenotype.. J Inherit Metab Dis 2015. 38: 1059-1074. FI: 3,365(Q2)
- Kölker S, Valayannopoulos V, Burlina AB, et al. Erratum to: The phenotypic spectrum of organic acidurias and urea cycle disorders. Part 2: the evolving clinical phenotype.. J Inherit Metab Dis 2015. 38: 1157-1158. FI: 3,365(Q2)
- Ormazabal A, Casado M, Molero-Luis M, et al. Can folic acid have a role in mitochondrial disorders?. Drug Discov Today 2015. 20: 1349-1354. FI: 6,691(Q1)
- Sariego-Jamardo A, García-Cazorla A, Artuch R, et al. Efficacy of the Ketogenic Diet for the Treatment of Refractory Childhood Epilepsy: Cerebrospinal Fluid Neurotransmitters and Amino Acid Levels.. Pediatr Neurol 2015. 53: 422-426. FI: 1,695(Q2)
- Torrico B, Fernàndez-Castillo N, Hervás A, et al. Contribution of common and rare variants of the PTCHD1 gene to autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability. Eur J Hum Genet 2015. 23: 1694-1701. FI: 4,349(Q1)
Etiopatogenia y tratamiento de los trastornos mentales graves
- Amador-Campos JA, Aznar Casanova JA, Ortíz Guerra JJ, et al. Assessing Attention Deficit by Binocular Rivalry.. J Atten Disord 2015. 19: 1064-1073. FI: 3,779(Q1)
- Garcia-Amador M, Merchán-Naranjo J, Tapia C, et al. Neurological Adverse Effects of Antipsychotics in Children and Adolescents. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2015. 35: 686- 693. FI: 3,243(Q2)
- Guerro-Prado D, Mardomingo-Sanz ML, Ortiz-Guerra JJ, et al. Evolución del estrés familiar en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad. An Pediatr (Barc) 2015. 83: 328-335. FI: 0,833(Q4)
- Masa-Font R, Fernández-San-Martín MI, Martín López LM, et al. The effectiveness of a program of physical activity and diet to modify cardiovascular risk factors in patients with severe mental illness after 3-month follow-up: CAPiCOR randomized clinical trial.. Eur Psychiatry 2015. 30: 1028-1036. FI: 3,210(Q2)
- Muñoz-Negro JE, Ibanez-Casas I, de Portugal E, et al. A dimensional comparison between delusional disorder, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.. Schizophr Res 2015. 169: 248-254. FI: 3,923(Q1)
- Núñez C, Stephan-Otto C, Cuevas-Esteban J, et al. Effects of caffeine intake and smoking on neurocognition in schizophrenia.. Psychiatry Res 2015. 230: 924-931. FI: 2,467(Q2)
- Ochoa S, López-Carrilero R. Early psychological interventions for psychosis.. World J Psychiatry 2015. 5: 362-365. FI: 0,000(Q0)
- Preti A, Siddi S, Vellante M, et al. Bifactor structure of the schizotypal personality questionnaire (SPQ).. Psychiatry Res 2015. 230: 940-950. FI: 2,467(Q2)
- Ribas-Siñol M, Del Prado-Sanchez N, Claramunt-Mendoza J, et al. Troubled adolescents: substance abuse and mental disorder in young offenders. Actas Esp Psiquiatr 2015. 43: 197-204. FI: 1,200(Q3)
Impacto, riesgo y prevención de los trastornos mentales
- Belger M, Argimon JM, Dodel R, et al. Comparing Resource Use In Alzheimer's Disease Across Three European Countries - 18-Month Results of The Geras Study. Value Health 2015. . FI: 3,279(Q1)
- GBD 2013 DALYs and HALE Collaborators, Murray CJ, Barber RM, et al. Global, regional, and national disability adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990-2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition.. Lancet 2015. 386: 2145-2191. FI: 45,217(Q1)
- Haro JM, Altamura C, Corral R, et al. Understanding the impact of persistent symptoms in schizophrenia: Cross-sectional findings from the Pattern study.. Schizophr Res 2015. 169: 234-240. FI:3,923(Q1)
- Koyanagi A, Stickley A, Garin N, et al. The association between obesity and back pain in nine countries: a cross-sectional study.. BMC Public Health 2015. 15: 123-0. FI: 2,264(Q2)
- Novick D, Montgomery W, Cheng Y, et al. Impact of Negative Symptoms on Quality of Life in Patients with Schizophrenia.. Value Health 2015. . FI: 3,279(Q1)
- Novick D, Montgomery WS, Aguado J, et al. Which somatic symptoms are associated with an unfavorable course in Chinese patients with major depressive disorder?. Asia Pac Psychiatry 2015. 7: 427-435. FI: 0,630(Q4)
- Reed C, Barrett A, Lebrec J, et al. How Useful are Eq-5d And Zbi In Assessing The Impact of Caring for Alzheimer's Disease Patients?. Value Health 2015. . FI: 3,279(Q1)
- Santabárbara J, Lopez-Anton R, Marcos G, et al. Degree of cognitive impairment and mortality: a 17-year follow-up in a community study.. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci 2015. 24: 503-511. FI: 3,907(Q1)
- Santini ZI, Koyanagi A, Tyrovolas S, et al. Social network typologies and mortality risk among older people in China, India, and Latin America: A 10/66 Dementia Research Group population-based cohort study.. Soc Sci Med 2015. 147: 134-143. FI: 2,890(Q1)
- Tyrovolas S, Haro JM, Mariolis A, et al. The Role of Energy Balance in Successful Aging Among Elderly Individuals: The Multinational MEDIS Study.. J Aging Health 2015. 27: 1375-1391. FI: 1,477(Q2)
- Wykes T, Haro JM, Belli SR, et al. Mental health research priorities for Europe. Lancet Psychiatry 2015. 2: 1036-1042. FI: 0,000(Q4)
Investigación e innovación en cirugía
- Orbeal R, Jimeno J, Monroy G, et al. Sclerosing mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the thyroid gland with eosinophilia.. Cir Esp 2015. . FI: 0,743(Q4)
- Parés D, Martinez-Franco E, Lorente N, et al. Prevalence of Fecal Incontinence in Women During Pregnancy: A Large Cross-Sectional Study.. Dis Colon Rectum 2015. 58: 1098-1103. FI: 3,749(Q1)
Tecnologías sanitarias y resultados en Atención Primaria y Salud Mental (PRISMA)
- Fernandez A, Salinas-Perez JA, Gutierrez-Colosia MR, et al. Use of an integrated Atlas of Mental Health Care for evidence informed policy in Catalonia (Spain).. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci 2015. 24: 512- 524. FI: 3,907(Q1)
Otros Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
- Bertelli J, Soldado F, Ghizoni MF, Rodríguez-Baeza A. Transfer of a Terminal Motor Branch Nerve to the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris for Triceps Reinnervation: Anatomical Study and Clinical Cases.. J Hand Surg Am 2015. 40: 2229-. FI: 1,667(Q2)
- Knörr J, Soldado F, Menendez ME, et al. Arthroscopic Talocalcaneal Coalition Resection in Children.. Arthroscopy 2015. 31: 2417-2423. FI: 3,206(Q1)