Services / Management services

People and Values

The mission of the People and Values area is to facilitate and to provide support to the people in charge of teams in the management of the working life cycle of professionals, from the time of their selection and hiring to that of their termination, through the enhancement of processes and tools.


The model is based on the Strategic Plan and the HRS4R and consists of 3 blocks:

  • People Development: Defining strategic policies that favor professional development (selection of staff, description of categories and career, evaluation plan, training, etc.).
  • Wellness: Caring for professionals in their physical and emotional dimension (Occupational Risk Prevention, Occupational Climate, Communication and participation, etc.).
  • Personnel Management and Administration: Designing processes and tools that allow us to be more effective and giving continuity to the management of contracts and administrative personnel.


  • Vanessa Martínez Head of department
  • Susana Martinez Personnel management
  • Mercedes Triguero Personnel management
  • Judit Murias Technician


People and Values Area

Edifici SJD Pediatric Cancer Center. 4 Floor.
Santa Rosa, 39-57
08950 Esplugues del Llobregat (Barcelona)
Tel. 93 600 97 51