Social Innovation

Sant Joan de Déu's social action has the mission of promoting opportunities for personal and social development so that persons and families at risk of social exclusion and/or in a situation of vulnerability may carry out their own life projects, independently and as members of a community, supporting them in a comprehensive and ethically responsible way.
Sant Joan de Déu works according to a unique assistance model that involves several different approaches, allowing us to welcome and to support people, attending to their needs in the biosocial and spiritual spheres.
By taking an approach that promotes social innovation, we can enhance and update our interventions, consider new solutions to old problems, and achieve social and community inclusion, with the ultimate goal of helping to build a fairer society.
The programme SJD Social Innova was launched in the year 2020 with the aim of supporting the social innovation of Sant Joan de Déu's healthcare and social centres, and of assisting its social centres in the development of new solutions. SJD Social Innova seeks to promote the organisational challenge of supporting new ideas and new organisational models, as well as the identification and conceptualisation of ideas in competitive projects.
SJD Social Innova works in four main areas:
Welcome and support to social and community assistance in the residential sphere. -
Legal protection
Occupational guidance and development of skills and knowledge. -
Legal support and protection for people in a situation of vulnerability. -
Actions that facilitate the interconnection between the Sant Joan de Déu centres, as well as with key actors among our citizens.
Within these areas, the Sant Joan de Déu centres participate in and lead social innovation projects with competitive financing. These projects include the following:
Proyecto M.I.O. - Estudio sobre el impacto de la migración en la salud mental de los jóvenes
- Funded by the Observatori Social de la Fundació La Caixawithin the "Recerca Social" call with reference number SR21-00779.
- Coordinators: Josep Maria Haro and Paula Cristobal - Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu · Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu
The project will identify the main risk and protective factors that influence health in this group. An in-depth analysis of local and national strategies for the social inclusion of unaccompanied minors will also be carried out, and data and evidence will be collected to generate recommendations for action to improve the mental health of these young people.
Projecte Hood - "Homeless's Open Dialogue"
- Funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Commission.
- Coordinator: Javier Prieto · Sant Joan de Déu Serveis Socials Barcelona
- Funded by the FAMI 2020 program of the Ministeri de Treball, Migracions i Seguretat Social.
- Coordinators: Josep Maria Haro and Paula Cristobal · Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu · Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu
Support and treatment of traumatized children After ViolencE
- Funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship program of the European Commission.
- Coordinator: Mar Álvarez · Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona · Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu
- Funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship program of the European Commission.
- Coordinator: Marta Simó · Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona · Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu
CRENCO recol·lectors de felicitat: créixer, envellir, compartir
- Funded by the Fundació Prado Pintó.
- Coordinator: Sandra Díaz · Fundació de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu
Projecte Rights First
- Funded by the EASI "Fons social Europeu" program of the European Commission.
- Coordinator: Javier Prieto · Sant Joan de Déu Serveis Socials Barcelona
Challenges of the future
Through innovation programmes, the Sant Joan de Déu entities and the programme SJD Social Innova seek to meet today's social challenges and above all those of the future - challenges such as:
- Overcoming the digital divide affecting vulnerable people.
- Supporting minors who have migrated on their own, in their transition to adult life
- Strengthening the self-esteem and self-management capacities of people in a situation of social and economic vulnerability, and their resilience capacity.
- Designing and carrying out intergenerational projects to combat unwanted loneliness and isolation
- Working for the labour inclusion of people with a disability, and assisting refugees to achieve a normalised life.
- Additional adapted and personalised support to allow people to carry out their own life projects as independently as possible..
The assistance provided by Sant Joan de Déu in 2020, in figures
Our mission is to promote opportunities of personal and social development so that people and families in a situation of social vulnerability may carry out their own life projects, independently and as members of a community, assisting and supporting them in a comprehensive way, in accordance with the commitment and the calling of the Order, helping to build a fairer society in this way.
Our vision is to position Sant Joan de Déu - the Order - as a model of reference in the local, national, European and international spheres in the field of comprehensive people-oriented social action, committed to working ethically with efficiency, quality and innovation on the basis of evidence and knowledge and in accordance with the mission and values of our organisation for the achievement of a better society.