Innovation / Projects

SAFE-infusion · Stop Adverse Fluid Events in Infusion: weak-link tube connection and air removal devices monitored in the cloud for safer, more accurate and cost-effective IV therapy in hospital and at home

The Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu participates in the SAFE-Infusion, which developed two medical devices to improve current intravenous therapy treatments carried out mainly in patients with chronic diseases, cancer, etc. These two innovative devices are the Relink, which will connect next-generation tubes, and the AirVolt, which will eliminate air bubbles in intravenous lines, making therapy more precise and safer for healthcare personnel and patients, thus leading to faster recovery.

The progress of SAFE-Infusion in health care that will be obtained can be summarized in the following 2 points:

  • The Relink will prevent IV line pull-outs, which cause patient harm and waste valuable fluid resources, including medications.
  • AirVolt will allow for the detection and elimination of harmful air bubbles and toxic vapours mixed with intravenous fluids.

These two technologies can help reduce hospital costs, allowing safe intravenous administration in all settings (in hospital and at home), thus reducing adverse events and occupational risks and mitigating the environmental burden of plastic waste and carbon footprint.

Participating entities: Tada Medical AB, Tessen Solutions Limited (Gasgon Medical), Remote Signals Limited, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra E.P.E., Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu.
Reference number: 971225
Aid granted: €343,127.50
Start date: 04/01/2021
Project duration: 2 years
Principal investigator: Dr. Ramon Mir Abellán

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