Institutional agreements and networks
National Research Networks
RedOTRI – Red de Oficinas de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación
The Fundació Sant Joan de Déu has been part of the OTRI Network since 2001

Innovation Platform in Medical and Healthcare Technologies
The Innovation Department of Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Maternity and Children's Hospital, directed by Dr Jaume Pérez Payarols, forms part of the ITEMAS platform.

The Clinical Research Unit has been part of the Spanish Network of Pediatric Clinical Trials (RECLIP) since 2016, and its coordinator is Joana Claverol of the Executive Committee. The goal of RECLIP is to create a developed and customized network of the best national clinical trial units, ensuring an appropriate environment and infrastructure for conducting safe and effective pediatric clinical trials.

Spanish Clinical Research Network
The team of the Clinical Research Unit, coordinated by Joana Claverol, is part of this structure to support clinical research, and in particular multicenter clinical trials.

European Research Networks
Enterprise Europe Network
The Fundació Sant Joan de Déu is a member of the Enterprise Europe Network; a network that promotes growth and employment, made up of about 600 organizations from more than 50 countries.

The Fundació Sant Joan de Déu is a member of Euraxess, which facilitates access to a range of information services and support for all European and non-European researchers who want to pursue a research career in Europe.

BESTPRAC – COST action TN1302
The Fundació Sant Joan de Déu, and in particular the international project management technicians, have been part of this European network since 2017. The main objective of BESTPRAC is to establish a network of European and international research project managers to exchange experience and knowledge, develop good practices, and thus support excellence in research.

Vision2020: The Horizon Network
The Vision2020 Network: The Horizon Network is a collaborative platform that connects Research Institutes, Universities and Companies to promote collaborations between these entities, with the aim of applying to Horizon 2020 calls. The platform currently consists of more than 60 Research Centers and Universities and more than 200 SMEs

European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency
The team of the Clinical Research Unit, coordinated by Joana Claverol, is part of this network formed by reference centers in research and conducting clinical studies with children.

Task-force in Europe for Drug Development for the Young
The team of the Clinical Research Unit, coordinated by Joana Claverol, is part of this network of excellence that focuses on structuring efforts dedicated to the development of drugs adapted to children.